Tuesday, April 2, 2013

back on track

hello friends.

I am feeling slightly better than I did yesterday, which is superwonderfulgreat.  I failed to post my weekly goals yesterday, because honestly, my only goal right now is to not be sick..and that wouldn't be a nice graphic.

Other than not being sick I plan on cooking (oooh!) cleaning (ahhhh!) and uploading photos (oh no you didn't!)

I also want to share with you my new plan for keeping things on track during the week.  I did something similar to this when I purposely didn't work so I could have the summer off was unemployed and on an extended leave of work after having Taylor.  I can not take all the credit for what I'm about to show you, I was inspired by a printable I purchased from CleanMama Printables  a few years ago. I loved it, but I wanted something with a different look and feel and wanted to change up what was assigned to each day.

Without further ado...here is my weekly check list and menu:

It makes me so happy. I have it hanging on a clipboard on my message center (I'll take a picture tonight and update) and it just keeps me in check. It's not the end of the world if something on the list doesn't get done, but at least this way I'm not cleaning all weekend. A little bit is getting done each day and I love it.

If you'd like to download this version for free, help yourself! If you are interested in a custom printable, let me know and I'd love to put something together for you for like almost free (how's $1.00?). Seriously, that's it :)

My menu plan and other amazing things will be posted later today. I promise :)

 photo sig13_zps3dac127e.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Glad your feeling better chica!

    love this!!! My to-do list is just in my notebook but this printable version is great. I woke up with a full blown cold this AM and am a bit overwhelmed with things to do but this helps!

