Friday, September 14, 2012

birthday hangover


Jackson's birthday extravaganza was a success this weekend. Everyone had a great time (especially the kids, thanks to a bouncy house, face painting, and Jackson's new four wheeler). The dust has settled and this week brought on a bit more craziness.

On Monday Jackson had his preschool open house. We got to go in for a little bit and meet his teachers, Jackson got to play with new stuff. He's a pretty social kid, and thanks to a few months at daycare earlier in the year he's pretty good at us leaving him at school. And by pretty good I mean he didn't want to leave. When I told him that we had to go he said "Okay Mommy, I'll see you later". Okay then...

His first official day was on Tuesday. I took the day off so I could drop him off and pick him up. Drop off was a breeze and I headed home to hang out with Taylor while Mike was at work. She pretty much napped the whole time and I cleaned, which was much needed after the crazy weekend. Most of the stuff that I didn't want in the living room/dining room was piled into our bedroom, as usual. I plan on attacked that room in the next week or so, and hopefully we are going to do some furniture rearranging.

I can't even tell you how excited I was to pick him up. His classroom is right near the entrance so me and a few other Moms were peaking through the windows to see what our kids were up to. He looked like he was having fun with the other kids, so I was happy.  We were able to go in and pick them up. The teacher told me he had a great first day. Jackson told me he missed me and started telling me all about his day as we walked to the car.

I'm so excited for him to be going to school. New friends, new toys, lots of new stuff to learn. But mostly, I'm excited about routine. Summer was pretty "go with the flow" so I'm happy to start being more on track with our schedules. The mornings he goes to school are going to be crazy, but I know we'll figure it out.

Needless to say all my fun DIY projects have been on hold while we adjust to the new schedule. I'm currently in the process of figuring out a good menu plan thanks to a cool idea and template I found over at The Centsible Life, so we'll see how that goes. I love the idea of just making 4 different weeks of menu plans and then reusing them every four weeks. Makes things much easier! So, not I'm just scouring my pinterest page and trying to figure out what are some good, easy, yummy recipes.

I'm pretty excited for the weekend, weather should be great and I'm going with my sister so that she can register for her baby shower!! Which reminds me...I need to start figuring out invites for that....

Happy Friday!!!

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