This week has been rough and without getting too much into it I feel like I've hit rock bottom. Which is a good thing I think, because you can only go up from here right?? All messiness aside, I did manage to get a lot done, sewing-check! start 2012 family yearbook-check! take and upload pictures-check and check! winter clothes upstairs and bedroom organized-check.
Yes. I put away all my winter sweaters even though it snowed out this week. I don't care. I'm over winter. It is Spring as far as I'm concerned!
Really going to try to have a more exciting menu plan for next week. It's been so sad lately. There are a bunch of recipes that I've pinned, so I'm hoping to get one in next week. Let' see how that goes!
Also, today is the LAST DAY to enter to win a super cute and cuddly (well, not cuddly) owl from Kim over at Monarch Design Loft, so enter will ya!
Since it's Friday, I'll be lame and just add a bunch of pictures from the always amazing Allison over at Twice As Nice Photography.
Yay bunnies & chicks!!
Oh, and check out the new items over in my etsy shop. Seriously, the headbands are the cutest things ever. Waiting for Liss to send some pictures of Baby Peaches in hers so I can prove the cuteness :)

Can they be any cuter??!! Love these.