I've totally been MIA lately. Summer is slipping away, I started a new job which requires me to wake up super early (which means I go to bed super early) which means I have like zero time to do fun things like blog or sew. I have lots of excuses for not being here lately. I've decided instead of feeling bad about it I'm just going to say "I'm on vacation!" and literally, once I get back from vacation (in a few weeks) back to the blog I go. I plan on committing to 2 posts a week, but who knows, I may get crazy from time to time and post more. Better than nothing right??
I also am pretty sure I missed my blogiversary. Yup, I've actually been doing this for a whole year. Go me! So happy birthday or anniversary or whatever you'd like to call it to my little slice of the internet. And thanks to all of you that stop by and check it out!!!!!
See you all in a few weeks. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!!!!

Good luck with the first weeks of the new gig and enjoy the summer blog-cation.