See, aren't they purty?
Do you blame me for avoiding it?
The first step was to take everything out and go through it. This actually took a few days because I had so much JUNK in there. I did some shredding, no, I did a LOT of shredding and ended up narrowing down what I needed to keep paper copies of. Now that everything is either online or in pdf version saved on my computer, I don't need to keep as many things in my files.
I made a list of what I was going to need to file, and then whipped out these babies.
So flippin cute.
I am a BIG fan of washi tape now. I scored these one's over at Etsy.
With my list and my pretty washi tape, it was just a matter of cutting the tape to size and then writing on each on what was going to go in the folder.
Of course I didn't take a full "after" photo so you could see what they look like in the file box thingy. But that's okay, because on my list of to do this week is to cover my boring brown filing boxes with some fun chevron fabric that my sister passed on to me from BP's nursery. Can't wait to get that done tonight and share with you tomorrow, along with next week's weekly goals!!
hooray snow.

I was thinking of a small file cabinet like this for mail, because in our house mail is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!