Monday, October 28, 2013

to do=to done!!!

Yeah...I'm still on the fence about this title, but it's Monday so we'll just go with it.
As you may or may not have noticed, I have this lovely little to do list on the good ol blog. See? It's right here...

So I checked off a bunch of items, and just never posted about them, or shared any pictures. So here is a little update for you.

Paint Bathroom:

I have not mastered taking pictures in a tiny space, such as a bathroom, so this is the only shot your're getting. It looks sooo much better than the beigy yellow that was in there before. I'm realizing now I should have taken a better picture that shows the floors because the new wall color goes so much better with them.

Moving on.

Rugs in Bedroom. I just had to scour my flickr account for pictures of my rug, and I'm sure neither will do it justice, but in the theme of "let's just go with it" well, let's just go with it.

The rugs in the bedroom I'm pretty sure were original. Our condo was built in like 1985. Gross. I honestly wish this is something that we did like right when we moved in. It made such a difference in the two bedrooms it's crazy.  The old rug was worn out, matted, bubbling in some places in our room, and well, just gross.

please enjoy jackson's artwork while you look at my gross rug

So we FINALLY got new rugs. Happiest day ever. The color is cheesecake. YUMM!!

please, enjoy some necklaces and cheescake
It is so much lighter, and softer, and as Jackson would say "cozy".

We ended up not needing a new garage door, the one we had just needed to be fixed.

We also have not got our ducts cleaned, however, they blew new insulation in the attic and as a result a ton of gross stuff came out of our vents. The company that did that came back to vacuum out the vents to make sure they got anything, so I kinda consider that a half ass cleaning and I'll take it.

A bunch of stuff has been tossed from the garage, but it seriously needs a clean out/organizing session, hence why it it on my November to do list.

A few things got done that weren't on the list too. We painted the living room, and I came up with a new color scheme and added some new curtains.

i hate you green couch!!!!

I also added a light to the kids desk area. Jackson has homework now, and when he does it at night there wasn't much light over there. I still need to hide the cords, hence no pictures.

So that's my update for you. Now I can update the to do list with our fall/winter projects. yahoo!!

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  1. Congrats on the to-do list. Mine is growing by the minute but maybe checking a few things off will help with my brain...
    Can't wait to see it in person!

  2. Congratulations on ticking off your to do lists, there are often too many things to choose from and a good list helps to focus, thanks for sharing your inspiration
