Wow, this pictured does not look at all like the color it's supposed to be. Interesting.
But moving on.
This week I need to seriously organize the bags of gifts I have hiding in various locations around the house and take stock of what I have. The kids are pretty much done and I actually think I have enough for Taylor that I can save a few for her birthday in February. Jackson still needs a few things and then it's just a matter of getting some gift cards for the adults. X-mas shopping is like 90% done I would say. holla!!
I'm hoping there will be some time on Saturday to do some damage to the garage. I want to get all the junk out because I want to start moving things that I hopefully won't need until after we move(like our Halloween decorations, and then our x-mas decorations when we are done with them). This way the storage area upstairs won't be a disaster and when we do finally move that's less stuff to haul down 4 flights of stairs.
I also have about 3 donation bags that are getting picked up this week, so I'll be happy to get that stuff out of the house.
I'm trying to keep these goals simple and attainable this time, listing maybe 4 at the most.
As far as meal planning, I'm in operation "clean out everything I have in order to start eating real". so I'm just sort of making what I have. We had an amazing turkey dinner on Sunday at my Mom's so the adults had that for dinner last night and the kiddos had mac and cheese (organic) and hotdogs (applegate).
Other things that SERIOUSLY need to be done which are not listed are finish my 2012 family photo book and get our 2013 well under way so all I have to do in January is put it in my cart and pay for it. The fact that it is November and I don't have 2012 done yet is just a shame.
Halloween pictures and storied on the way!!!

Christmas shopping almost done?? whatttttttt. you are my idol.... I have started a list... and not started anything else. You go girl!