Tuesday, December 17, 2013

holiday shopping for your 2 and 5 year old

I FINALLY started/finished wrapping gifts yesterday. I was hubby and kid free and it was amazing.
I watched 3 episodes of Orange is the New Black and only misplaced the tape for wrapping the gifts 17 times. Go me!

I don't have an elaborate or well researched list of what kids want this year, I just know what my kids asked for and what they are getting. So here she goes.

For the 5 year old boy obsessed with lego's and anything Disney/Pixar..

The Lego City Garage is the only Lego set that Santa will be bringing to our house this year. He got like 3 REALLY big sets last year, and only one is still half standing on the Lego table.

I may want this more than my kids. He was flip flopping between this one and Skylanders SwapForce (whatever) but they were both on sale half off, so I got him both. This way he can play his skywhateverstupid game, and I can play Disney. Mind you, the only video game he's ever played is Star Wars legos, and I think Mike did most of the work on that one. Should be interesting to see how these pan out..

He is also getting a few movies...

I'm excited for Despicable Me 2 because we haven't seen that yet.

I also got him a bunch of books, and a few that have different plans for building things out of legos.
Oh and he got a sweatshirt.

Okay, now for the 2 year old that acts like she's 16..

When asked "what do you want for Christmas" Taylor will, without a doubt tell you "baby doll, stroller, pink earrings" seriously. every time.  My sister is getting her an American Doll baby, so I had to get an appropriate stroller.

This actually isn't the one I got. It's pink with white polkadots, but you get the picture.


What 2 year old doesn't need $40 earrings??
These are guaranteeing me at least 30 minutes of crying and torture as I attempt to take out her $5 Claire's earrings (that have not fallen out yet!) and put these babies in.  This is the gift that keeps on giving.

Another great thing to do with a 2 year old is to take her shopping to the Gap Outlet when the whole store is 40% off.  She got her own shopping bag and just walked around and picked stuff out. She also bought a few things for baby peaches....as I found out yesterday. I was going through "her" bag yesterday to get wrapping and was like "oh, I didn't even know she picked that". She's set for winter 2013/2014. Never. Again.

i have no idea why it's sideways...

 photo sig13_zps3dac127e.jpg

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